My friend took me to the hospital and I was placed on a bed, where the nurse did an ultrasound on me. After a few minutes, she looked at me and said "I am sorry but I am not picking up a heartbeat". She then went on to say, that she would need to call the obgyn. to double check. I was absolutely stunned by the news. I remember at that point, going to the bathroom in complete and utter disbelief. I waited for what seemed like forever until my friend said to them, "if there is a chance that this baby is alive, why are they taking so long to get here?" The nurse replied that there really was no chance of him being alive. When the obgyn. did arrive, he started his conversation with "I don't really know how to do ultrasounds, but I will try." Can you believe it!!! He too reported that there was no heartbeat... He said he did not have an explanation either of what had caused the death. He gave me the option of inducing me within a few hours to bring on the labour and delivery, but my husband was out of town and I wanted to wait until he returned. I then began the process of breaking the news to family and friends. My husband said he would get the next plane home. I asked the obgyn. if I could have a C-section and he replied by saying that I should rather have a natural birth as I had previously done for the other two, and that I would want another baby after this and he strongly suggested a natural birth for this one too. And, so we went home...